Case Study

Girls' Leadership & 21st Century Skills Evaluation
Project Information
British Council
Girls' Leadership & 21st Century Skills
3 years
The Brief
The Research Base was commissioned by the British Council to develop a monitoring and evaluation framework for its P3DISC project in Chennai, and to oversee the monitoring and evaluation process, including analysis and reporting. The P3DISC project works with schools throughout the Corporation of Chennai in Tamil Nadu to train teachers and establish after school clubs for students, the aim of which are to strengthen girls' leadership and 21st century skills, including English, communication and digital literacy.
Project Approach
A framework was developed and training was provided to British Council team members to ensure that they were able to brief the data collection team on research delivery, including research ethics. Research tools and protocols were also developed. Field reserch tools included speaking tests, observations, interviews and focus groups with school leaders, project team members, teachers and students. As this study is a pilot, the approach was updated and improved to ensure that it is fit for purpose.
The project is still underway, but the findings will be used to inform (a) the project delivery approach and (b) the monitoring and evaluation approach of future iterations of the project in other locations.