Case Study

Libraries Unlimited M&E; Consultancy
Project Information
British Council
Libraries Unlimited M&E; Consultancy
3 years
The Brief
The British Council has commissioned the Research Base to act in an advisory capacity for the delivery of its monitoring, evaluation and learning objectives for the Libraries Unlimited programme in Bangladesh. The LU programme, funded by the Gates Foundation, is a two-phase project to reform libraries services and resources and improve library users’ knowledge and access to digital learning. The first phase seeks to establish a model for library reform in Bangladesh based on findings from a series of pilot models trialled in existing libraries, followed by a national roll-out of the Libraries Unlimited model in the second phase of the project.
Project Approach
A core research team has been working closely with the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Manager appointed to the project in Bangladesh. Our initial project role included the development of an MEL framework, a theory of change, research toolkit, management information system (MIS) and MEL implementation guide. We are now providing ongoing implementation support and guidance, as well as training in various aspects of monitoring, evaluation and learning.
Investing in the development of a robust MEL framework, toolkit and implementation plan from the programme’s outset ensures that the transition from the first to the second phase of the project is based on relevant and reliable evidence, which in turn will increase the likelihood that the overall programme objectives will be met successfully. By working closely with the local programme team, our consultancy services will also contribute to developing local monitoring and evaluation capacity.