Case Study

Green Skills for Rural Youth
Project Information
Plan International
Green Skills for Rural Youth
Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Myanmar
4 months
The Brief
The Research Base was commissioned by Plan International to assess green skills training for rural youth in four countries in South East Asia: Indonesia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. The research identified existing provision of green skills training across key sectors, as well as analysing which sectors were most likely to have green skills gaps in the future. The overall aim of the project was to understand better the potential for climate change adaptation to develop hand in hand with improved economic prosperity through skilling young people and creating jobs that are environmentally responsible and sustainable.
Project Approach
The research methodology comprised a literature review, field research in each of the countries of study, online quantitative surveys, and data forecasting.
In-country field research was conducted in selected regions from each country; data collection comprised qualitative interviews with education practitioners, training providers, employers, NGOs and CSOs, and government officials, as well as focus groups with young people. Field research was complemented by an online survey with young people in Thailand and Vietnam.
Further evidence was drawn from a literature review of current policies and practices within each country, including Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Youth Economic Empowerment/Solutions (YEE/S) programmes; and data forecasting from World Bank data to analyse likely future trends for green jobs, as well as relevant phenomena such an urbanisation.
The research team conducted a thorough analysis of available evidence based on the triangulation of mixed methods approach. This analysis was presented in a full report, together with recommendations for green skills development, including the integration of green skills training into CCA and YEE/S programmes.
The research was used by the client to inform the development of their green skills agenda within the countries of study. Led by the client, the research also contributed to extending the evidence base around green skills through a public launch of the final report, Green Skills for Rural Youth in South East Asia, alongside a social media campaign to increase knowledge and awareness of the potential offered by green skills and green jobs for rural youth in developing countries.