Case Study

Train the Trainer Programme Evaluation
Project Information
Train the Trainer Programme Evaluation
United Kingdom
1 year
The Brief
Stonewall asked The Research Base to conduct an impact evaluation of their ‘Train the Trainer’ course, which trained teachers to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in schools. The programme adopted a cascade training model, whereby Stonewall partner organisations trained lead teachers in local schools; these teachers then went on to provide training for their colleagues. Stonewall commissioned the evaluation in order to understand the following key research areas:
• Changes in the levels of skills, confidence and knowledge of those participating in the Train the Trainer programme.
• The impact of the programme on the wider beneficiaries, including pupils.
• The effectiveness of the training provided at each level of the cascade model.
Project Approach
To measure changes to participants’ skills, confidence and knowledge, surveys were distributed at three points in the programme: a week before the training, immediately after the training, and three months after the training had taken place. Additional survey questions were also included relating to a wider evaluation by NatCen for the Department for Education and Government Equalities Office. More than 2,000 survey responses were received from trainers and trainees. We also conducted 90 interviews with the programme participants and other stakeholders, such as the Stonewall programme team, training partner managers, and Senior Management Teams (SMTs) in schools.
The research that we delivered has enabled Stonewall to demonstrate to their funders the effectiveness and impact of their work. The evaluation will also be used by Stonewall to further develop and expand the cascade training model.